Dental vestibulum Lip Retractor Osung -RTCRL
Dental Cheek Retractor Columbia Osung -RTCRC
Dental Cheek Retractor Minnesota Osung -RTCRM
Gingival Retractor, Plastic handle, 3GRM2
Lip Retractor, RTLS
Gingival Retractor, Plastic handle, 3GRM1
Large Lip Widener 2 Pcs. dental Retractor for tooth whitening Osung -RTCPD1
Gingival Retractor #3 Osung -GRM3
Medium Lip Widener 2 Pcs dental retractorfor tooth whitening Osung -RTCPD2
Tongue Retractor, RTTG
Dental Gingival Retractor #2 Premium Osung -GRM2
Osung Lip and Tongue Retractor Set for taking dental impressions
Gingival Retractor #1 Lower incisors Osung -GRM1
Gingival Retractor, Plastic handle, 3GRM3
Dental Channel Retractor, RTCN10
University of Minnesota Cheek Retractor - J&J Instruments
Osung Lip and Cheek Retractor Set for taking dental impressions
OSUNG Double Sided Photographic Intraoral Mouth Mirror with Handle, Occlusal Small Size with Cheek Retractors Set
OSUNG Double Sided Photographic Intraoral Mouth Mirror Mirror with Handle, Occlusal Medium Size with Cheek Retractors Set
OSUNG Double Sided Photographic Intraoral Mouth Mirror with Handle, Lateral Size Adult Size with Cheek Retractors Set
OSUNG Double Sided Photographic Intraoral Mouth Mirror with Handle, Occlusal Large Adult Size with Cheek Retractors Set
OSUNG Intra Oral Mirror, Pedo Occlusal Small Size 63 x 100 mm with Cheek Retractor Set
OSUNG Intra Oral Mirror, Occlusal, Medium 71 x 100 mm with Cheek Retractor Set
OSUNG Intra Oral Mirror, Lateral 40 x 100mm with Cheek Retractor Set